Geolocation Icon

IP API provides a reliable & scalable IP API for software developers. It uses a database of IP addresses associated with cities and other relevant information like time zone, latitude & longitude.

ip: "", country_code: "US", country_name: "United States", city: " Mountain View", latitude: "48.1936", longitude: "16.3726", connection: asn: "15169", organization: "Google LLC", isp: "Google LLC", range: "", security: is_bot: "null", is_known_attacker: "null", is_proxy: "null", is_tor: "null", proxy_type: "null", threat_score: "null", timezone: id: "America/New_York", current_time: "2023-02-21T11:57:12-05:00", code: "EST", is_daylight_saving: "false", gmt_offset: "-18000",

Feature Complete IP API

Our global data coverage enables developers to make data-driven and programmatic decisions.

The data you need

Do you want to personalize your content based on the location of your users or enforce IP-based restrictions? These are just two of many common use-cases of our customers.

See all data fields
Connection details
Location Coordinates
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"We recently implemented and were very impressed with their IP API. The API was easy to integrate into my application and provided accurate location data for the IP addresses that we submitted. Additionally, their customer support team was responsive and helpful when I had questions. Overall, I highly recommend for anyone in need of reliable IP geolocation data."

Image of Clemens Ehrenreich
Clemens Ehrenreich CEO @ Userwell

Easy to use and built with developers in mind!

Our IP data API is not only easy to integrate but comes along with an entire suite of REST-Clients and pre-built integrations. Additionally, we provide a Postman-Collection.

Integration Documentation

Get started for free. No credit card details required.

Frequently asked questions

What is IP API? How accurate is IP API? How does IP geolocation work? Is there any free IP lookup API?